Peppermint Refreshener Gel This lotion is good for oily skin and will give a tingly feeling after it
is applied.1/2 cup aloe gel (100%)
1 Tablespoon witch hazel
1-1/2 teaspoons cornstarch
3-4 drop peppermint essential oilMix the aloe, witch hazel, and cornstarch in mircowave safe bowl (I used a
1 cup glass measuring cup). Mircowave on High, stirring every 20 seconds.
When the mixture returns to a clear like gel instead of opaque, you are
done. The cornstarch will turn a clear aloe gel to an almost white cream
color. Stir until the gel has cooled a bit. Let mixture rest until quite
cool. Add peppermint drops and stir well. Store in a glass jar with a well
fitting lid.![]()
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