Old Fashioned Witch Soap
(Wicca Craft)In a large enamel or iron kettle, melt the lard over very low heat. (Never use metal) In a separate pot, stir together the lye & the water. Heat lard until small bubbles begin to appear - do not boil.4 lbs lard 13 oz lye (1 can) 5 cups cold water 1 tbsp lavender oil 1 tbsp patchouli oil 1 cup fresh strawberry juice 1/4 cup dried soap bark herb (optional) Remove from the heat & slowly pour the lye solution into the lard. With a big wooden spoon, stir in the lavender & patchouli oils, the strawberry juice & soap bark herb. Simmer for about 30 minutes, stirring frequently.
Pour into 2-inch deep greased pan & allow to cool overnight. Cut the soap into squares and leave in the pan for at least 3 days before removing. Place the Soap bars on waxed paper & allow them to age in a draft-free area approximately 4-6 weeks before using.
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