July11- August811- Kronia Festival(Father Time), Rhea
12- Yama(Buddhist God of Death and the Underworld)
13- Birth of Osiris
14- Runic Half Month of Ur(primal strength) Begins, Birth of Horus
15- Birth of Set(Egyptian God of Darkness and the Magical Arts), Rowana(Rauni, Goddess of the Sacred Rowan Tree), Ti-Tsang(Chinese God of the Underworld)
16- Erzulie Freda(Voodoo Goddess of Love)
17- Amaterasu(Chineses Sun-Goddess), Birth of Isis
18- Birth of Nepthys(Goddess of Death), Lu Pan(Chinese Patron of Carpenters), Arstat, Copper Woman(Native American)
19- Isis, Adonis, Aphrodite
20- All Lithuanian Love-Goddesses, Binding of the Wreaths
21- Mayan New Year
23- Neptunalia, Salacia, Sulis(Goddess of Hot Springs), Aegir, Ran
24- All Lion-Gods
25- Furrinalia(Ancient Italian Goddess of Springs
26- Kachina Ceremony(Native American, Hopi Tribe), Sleipnir
28- Domhnach Chrom Dubh(Irish Sacrificial-God)
29- Runic Half Month of Thorn(defense) Begins, Thunor, Thor
30- Gloosca(The Father God, Micmac Indian Tribe)
31- Lammas Eve, Loki, Sigyn, Lugh
1- Lammas, Day of the Dryads, Odin, Frigg
2- Feast of Anahita(Persian Love/Moon Goddess)
5- Celtic Tree Month of Coll(hazel) Begins
6- Elihino(Cherokee Earth-Goddess), Igaehindvo(Cherokee Goddess of the Sun), Teinne(Tan, Celtic Personification of Holy Fire), Festival of Thoth, Month of Ghosts
7- Adonis, Hathor, Breaking of the Nile
8- Eve of the Festival of VenusCailleach/Samhain , Astraea , Hestia , Bridhe ,Moura , Columbina , Maia , Hera , Rosea , Kerea , Hesperis , Mala , Hathor A Letter From Mom And Dad , An Open Letter to a Witch , Banner Links , Blessings , The Charges of the Gods , Crafts , Correspondences , Devotions , Dictionary , Goddess Months , Gods and Goddesses , Herbs , Invocations , Magickal Needs , Meditations , Metaphysical , Miscellanous Items , Oghams , Recipes , Redes and Laws , Rituals , Runes , Sitemap , Spells , Short Stories , Tarot , Text Links , Webrings , What is Wicca? , What Law Enforcment Agencies Need To Know About Witchcraft ![]()