A Tarot Spell to Increase Psychic Visions (you need 3 tarot cards. The Star, The High Priestess, and The Hermit)"I call upon the Source of All things to send me power.I call upon the
God to send strength to my spell. I call upon the Goddess to give life
to my spell. I call upon the elemental forces to draw the desire of my
I call upon the astral forces to receive the image of my spell.
So mote it be!"(Holding the tarot cards in your hands)
"I bring forth these symbols for my spell to be cast. Here shall be
woven, chance, fortune, and fate, so that my wish be quickly attained!"(lay out the cards in the following order. Meditate and visualize)
card 2
card 1 card 3
card 1 is The Star for inspiration, guidance, and creativity.
card 2 is The High Priestess for focusing of the mind and intuition.
card 3 is The Hermit for interpreting the knowledge you receive.(Place a candle just above The High Priestess card)
"I am open and receptive to higher levels of conciousness. Spirits of
guidance are here for me and I channel the knowledge they offer. I am
open and receptive. My psychic centers are quickened. I open my eyes and
ears to all impressions that are coming to me. I spread the veil of
being that I may look beyond. I open the windows of 'where' and 'when'
and I see beyond.(hold your hands over the cards)
"Into these cards I direct the power from within me and the power called
upon from the spiritual forces around me.
Mark well what I have done here! Bring to me my wish! I place this
petition before the God and Goddess. May it be done for the greater good
of all!
By the power of the God and Goddess and by the forces of the planes...I
declare my spell to manifest!""I release now the forces of the astral plane. I release all of the
elemental forces. I release the God and Goddess. I release the power of
the Source of All. Farewell and I bid you thanks!"Planetary Hours , A Tarot Spell to Increase Psychic Visions , Basic Spell Construction , The Bottle Spell , Candle Money Spell , Candle Spell Worksheet , Dream Magick , Fire Protection Spell , Good Luck Herb Jar , Happiness Spell , House Protection Spell Bottle , Job Spell #1 , Job Spell #2 , Knot Spell , Luck Money Spell , Luck Spell , The Magic Money Jar Spell , Money Spell Bottle , Money Tree Spell , Planetary Dedication Spell , Pre-Ritual/Spell Bath Scents , Prosperity Spell #1 , Prosperity Spell #2 , Psychic Herb Jar , Rainbow Candle Spell , Spell for Prophetic Dreams , The Spell of Nine Knots , Spell of the Comb and the Mirror , Spell To Gain Money , Spell to Increase Psychic Visions , Spell to Increase Spiritual Awareness , Spell to Know the Child Within , Spell To Obtain Money , Strega Herb Jar , Wish Spell to Diana , The Witch's Bottle , Wolf Protection Spell , Writing Your Own Spells and Rituals , Binding Spell for General Use , Herb and Crystal Spell , Incense Spell , Magick Potion Incantation , Mojo To Promote Peace, Prosperity, and Happiness , Wish-Magick , Herbal Money Spells A Letter From Mom And Dad , An Open Letter to a Witch , Banner Links , Blessings , The Charges of the Gods , Crafts , Correspondences , Devotions , Dictionary , Goddess Months , Gods and Goddesses , Herbs , Invocations , Magickal Needs , Meditations , Metaphysical , Miscellanous Items , Oghams , Recipes , Redes and Laws , Rituals , Runes , Sitemap , Spells , Short Stories , Tarot , Text Links , Webrings , What is Wicca? , What Law Enforcment Agencies Need To Know About Witchcraft ![]()