Job Spell #2 This is best begun on the night of the New Moon:
Use an astral candle for yourself - your color
A brown candle for the job itself
A green candle for prosperity
Burn a prosperity incense
Anoint the candles with a prosperity oil. Annoint from wick to end. These candles should be in a safe place, they have to burn out entirely.
Place the brown candle in the center, the green on the right, and the astral on the left.
Light the astral :
I ask for change,
that is my right,
open the way,
clear my sight.
Light the green :
Good luck is mine and prosperity, help me Great Ones, come to me.
Light the brown :
Opportunity, work, rewards I see, And as I will So Mote it Be.
Say the above as you light the candles. Leave these to burn out completely and dispose of the wax afterwards. Each night, for a week, or until the candle is used up, light a second brown candle for 9 minutes while meditating and gaining balance in preparation for the job and the good to come.
During this time period, Actively seek a job. Listen to your intuition and follow up on all leads.
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