Luck Money Spell As the sun sets take
a) A handful of table salt
b) A pint of clean water
c) Strands of your own hair
d) Cuttings from your right big toe nail
e) A chickens wing feather
f) Two lumps of rabbit droppings
g) A clover leaf
h) A teaspoon of the herb marjoram
i) A crushed crystal
(1) Place the above ingrediants into a metal, preferably pewter, pot and mix them together. Do this as the sun is setting. AS you mix them speak out your wish.
(2) Standing in an open space, preferably a large field, speak out loud the following whilst pouring the mixture over your head.
"When thou settest in the sky
The earth is clothed in darkness
Serpents hiss and fiends do walk
The earth is bright when you do rise
Once more into the skies
Tomorrow shine upon my joy
Shine on my happiness
Brightly shine on my glory
I am before you but as a grain of sand
Just a grain of sand
Shine on me
3) As you say this think in your mind EXACTLY what you want to wake up to and picture it happening.
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