Conjuring of Spirits

Waxing Moon or Full Moon

Waning or New Moon

Two tall purple candles

Two tall green candles

A purple Amethyst

Green Jade or Agate - in center of altar

Sandalwood & Lavender Incense

Sandalwood & Willow Bark Incense

Spirit Candle

Cast a triple circle. Conjuring of Spirits is always done in hours of darkness, not necessary to be midnight, but preferred.

After you have performed your primary ritual, cast the incense into your burner, Place the Spirit Candle into the center of the altar and say:

"Spirit of good will, I bid thee enter

The Outer Circle.

The Second Circle.

The Inner Circle.

I am protected by this Pentacle upon my breast.

Which bears the name of (your Spirit Guide)

I bid thee, Spirit, Reveal thy Earthly name!

(turn slowly deosil as you speak)

Repeat this conjuration three times.

Perform a nine card Tarot Divination for the Spirit's name, unless the Spirit replies in some other manner.

Ask: Have you a message for me?

Perform ATarot Divination or use the Witches' Bowl to ask questions.

Spirit, is it true that....?

Deal gently with the friendly Spirits and they will lead you to the Greater Mysteries.

During your questioning, observe the Spirit Candle. If it wavers or rises and falls, or flickers unevenly, use the Tarot to see if the Spirit has a message.

You may ask 3 questions, after that you must ask:

May I seek further guidance?

Ask only 3 more questions.

Bid the Spirit depart, saying:

(Name), Good Spirit,

Thou hast diligently answered my questions and I do thank thee. I hereby give thee license to depart. Depart, thrice - blessed Spirit, and be thou willing to return when next I conjure thee. By the sound of this bell(Use your Witche's Bell), do I bie thee leave. Depart, Depart. Depart!

Planetary Hours , A Blessing for Those Without Self Worth , Basic Ritual , Balancing and Grounding Ritual , Casting a Circle , Centering Ritual , The Chocolate Ritual , Conjuring of Spirits , Consecration of Chalice, Athame or Other Tool , An Eclectic Circle Ceremony , Full Moon Ritual , House Blessing , House Cleasing Ritual , Imbolc/Candlemas Ritual , Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram , Letting Go Ritual , Luck Ritual , Maiden Ritual , May Eve/Beltane Ritual , The Memory Rite , Midsummer Ritual , Money Ritual , Mystical Pentagram Ritual , Negative Love Energy Cleansing Ritual , The Nemesis Conjuration , New Moon Ritual , New Moon Prosperity Ritual , Ostara/Spring Equinox Ritual , Outline of a Ritual for a Solitary Witch , Protection Ritual , Ritual to Aid in Depression , Samhain Ritual , Samhain Ritual Traditional , Self Blessing Ritual , Self Dedication Ritual , Self Dedication Ritual 2 , Solitary Moon Rite , Solitary Imbolg Ritual , Spiritual Growth Ritual of the Wolves , uccess and Prosperity Ritual , Third Eye Ritual , To Create Sacred Space and A Permanent Alter , Wiccan Pentagram Ritual , Yule/Winter Solstice Ritual
A Letter From Mom And Dad , An Open Letter to a Witch , Banner Links , Blessings , The Charges of the Gods , Crafts , Correspondences , Devotions , Dictionary , Goddess Months , Gods and Goddesses , Herbs , Invocations , Magickal Needs , Meditations , Metaphysical , Miscellanous Items , Oghams , Recipes , Redes and Laws , Rituals , Runes , Sitemap , Spells , Short Stories , Tarot  , Text Links , Webrings , What is Wicca? , What Law Enforcment Agencies Need To Know About Witchcraft

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