Deities Correspondences


Agriculture Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Cerridwen, Brigit, White Lady, Epona, Lugh, Bel, the Horned God, Amaethon, Dagon, Demeter, Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Persephone, Hecate, Gaea, Rhea, Cronus, Pan, Adonis, Hades, Carpo, Aristaeus, Ceres, Ops, Proserpina, Flora, Tellus Mater, Saturn, Faunus, Mars, Jupiter, Consus, Triptolemus, Vertumnus, Renenet, Heqet, Min, Osiris, Ra, Hapi, Amen, Cinteotl, Xilonen, Gucumatz, Yum Caax, Itzamna, Xipe, Xochipilli, Tezcatlipoca
Color- Yellow, Brown
Incense/Oil- Birch, Cherry, Cloves, Lilac, Rosemary
Animals- Toad
Spirits- Fairies, Elves, Gnomes
Stones- Rock Crystal
Metal- Nickel
Plants- Corn, Willow, Lily, Ivy, Grains
Wood- Fir
Planet- Earth
Tarot Cards- Four Tens, Four Pages
Magickal Tools- Wand, Goblet
Direction- North
Rituals- Organized Material Manifestations, Healing Mental and Physical Illnesses, Improving Life, Centering Oneself, Healing Plants and Animals, Trance, Psychic Work with Spirits

Creative Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Lugh, Goibniu, Brigit, Cerridwen, the Dagda, Ogma, Taliesin, Merlin, Bran the Blessed, Manannan mac Lir, Diancecht, Nantosuelta, Nuada, Luchtaine, Credne, Druantia, Scathach, Kai, Weyland, Rhiannon, Cernunnos, Athena, Hera, Hestia, the Muses, Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, Artemis, Thalia, Euphrosyne, Aglaia, Pan, Terpsichore, Hades, Pan, Euterpe, Orpheus, Minerva, Pales, Juno, Mercury, Vulcan, Diana, Faunus, Vesta, Osiris, Ptah, Khnemu, Thoth, Isis, Neith, Seshat, Anubis, Hathor, Khepera, Ra, Bast, Bes, Xochiquetzal, Itzamna, Pachacamac, Quetzalcoaltl,Tezcatlipoca, Xochipilli, Ishtar, Astarte
Color- True Pure Blue
Incence/Oil- Lily of the Valley
Animals- Dolphin, Whales
Spirits- Mermaid
Stones- Azurite, Torquoise
Metal- Aluminum
Plants- Carnation, Honeysukle, Vervain
Wood- Bramble
Planet- Neptune
Tarot Cards- Four Kings, Four Twos
Magickal Tools- Cauldron, Wand
Direction- South
Rituals- Achieving Equilibrium, Spiritual Manifestations, Creative Force, Divine Inspiration

Creator Deities
Gods/Goddesses- the Dagda, Cronus, Ptah, Osiris, Sebek, Khnemu, Seb, Ra, Hurukan, Arianrhod, Danu, Demeter, Hera, Rhea, Gaea, Ceres, Juno, Heqet, Isis, Neith, Mut, Tara, Nohochacyum
Color- Brillant Pure Light
Incense/Oil- Angelica, Wisteria
Animals- Hawk
Spirits- Winged Dragon
Stones- Diamond, Zircon
Metal- Gold, Silver
Plants- Shamrock, Clover, Woad, Male Fern, Aspen
Tree- Aspen
Planet- Uranus
Tarot Cards- Four Aces
Magickal Tools- Cauldron
Direction- East
Rituals- Divine Consciousness, Illumination, Enlightment, Spiritual Development/Attainment, Finding Karmic Purpose

Earth Deities
Gods/Goddesses- the Dagda, Cernunnos, the Horned God, Nuada, Adonis, Pan, Cronus, Faunus, Consus, Saturn, Seb, Osiris, Pachacamac, Cerridwen, Blodeuwedd, Creiddylad, Anu, Tailtiu, Demeter, Gaea, Hera, Persephone, Asia, Rhea, Cybele, Tellus Mater, Juno, Ops, Ceres, Proserpina, Nerthus, Heqet, Isis, Coatlicue, Izanami, Inanna
Color- Yellow, Brown
Incense/Oil- Birch, Cherry, Cloves, Lilac, Rosemary
Animals- Toad
Spirits- Fairies, Elves, Gnomes
Stones- Rock Crystal
Metal- Nickel
Plants- Corn, Willow, Lily, Ivy, Grains
Wood- Fir
Planet- Earth
Tarot Cards- Four Tens, Four Pages
Magickal Tools- Wand, Goblet
Direction- North
Rituals- Organized Material Manifestations, Healing Mental and Physical Illnesses, Improving Life, Centering Oneself, Healing Plants and Animals, Trance, Psychic Work with Spirits

Fertility Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Bel, Sucellus, Hecate, Thalia, Cronus, Hades, Hermes, Zeus, Ops, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto, Dis Pater, Isis, Bes, Osiris, Arianrhod, Brigit, Cerridwen, Brigantia, Macha, Herne the Hunter, Cernunnos, Bel, Epona, Manannan mac Lir, Mab, Nantosuelta, Druantia, the Horned God, Anu, Arianrhod, Rhiannon, the Dagda, Ostara, Eostre, Apollo, Cronus, Hera, Artemis, Maia, Aphrodite, Athena, Demeter, Gaea, Rhea, Pan, Dionysus, Poseidon, Antheia, Bendis, Cabari, Cabiri, Charities, Derceto, Europa, Pontia, Priapus, Hermes, Persephone, Hecate, Juno, Bona Dea, Diana, Fauna, Flora, Pales, Venus, Tellus Mater, Faunus, Bacchus, Vertumnus, Apollo, Cybele, Lupercus, Ops, Pomona, Saturn, Nerthus, Bast, Heqet, Selqet, Min, Osiris, Amen, Khnemu, Bes, Hapi, Bast, Isis, Attis, Mut, Selkhet, Tlazolteotl, Itzamna, Tlaloc, Chantico, Centeotle, Quetzalcoatl, Ishtar, Kuan Yin, Lilith, Inanna, Astarte
Color- True Pure Blue
Incence/Oil- Lily of the Valley
Animals- Dolphin, Whales
Spirits- Mermaid
Stones- Azurite, Torquoise
Metal- Aluminum
Plants- Carnation, Honeysukle, Vervain
Wood- Bramble
Planet- Neptune
Tarot Cards- Four Kings, Four Twos
Magickal Tools- Cauldron, Wand
Direction- South
Rituals- Achieving Equilibrium, Spiritual Manifestations, Creative Force, Divine Inspiration

Great Mother Goddesses
Gods/Goddesses- Bel, the Dagda, Don, the Dagda, Bel, Cronus, Uranus, Zeus, Jupiter, Saturn, Amen, Osiris, Ra, Pachacamac, Cerridwen, Danu, Macha, Morrigu, Brigit, Anu, Badb, Rhianon, Demeter, Hera, Rhea, Hecate, Aphrodite, Gaea, Juno, Venus, Ceres, Ops, Bona Dea, Cybele, Isis, Mut, Nut, Coatlicue, Kuan Yin, Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna, Cerridwen, Danu, Morrigu, Anu, Margawse, Growth, Demeter, Gaea, Boreas, Eurus, Ceres
Color- Indigo, Black
Incence/Oil- Holly, Juniper, Yew, Myrrh, Cypress
Animals- Goat
Spirits- Dragon
Stones- Onyx, Jet
Metal- Lead
Plants- Reeds, Solomon's Seal, Oak, Yew, Beech, Comfrey, Elm, Holly, Ivy, Horsetail, JUniper, Mullien
Wood- Oak
Planet- Saturn
Tarot Cards- Four Queens, Four Threes
Magickal Tools- Sword, Wand
Direction- West
Rituals- Stabilization of Thought and Life, Help with Groups, Comfort, Goddess Power, Developing Power of Faith

Healing Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Brigit, Boann, Brigantia, Cernunnos, Bel, Lugh, Merlin, Taliesin, Diancecht, Gwydion, the Dagda, Nuada, Owein ap Urien, Epona, Scathach, Airmed, Etan, Fand, Miach, Gaea, Nymphs, Apollo, Asclepius, Hygeia, Paean, Iaso, Panacea, Telesphorus, Artemis, Pan, Minerva, Apollo, Faunus, Sekhmet, Bast, Khensu, Thoth, Impotep, Itzamna, Pachacamac, Ixtlilton, Kuan Yin, Brigantia, Brigit, Anu, Diancecht, Airmed, Lugh, Etan, Gaea, Apollo, Asclepius, Zeus, Apollo, Jupiter, Bast, Imhotep, Brigit, Cernunnos, Lugh, Bel, the Dagda, Diancecht, Asclepius, Pan, Apollo, Gaea, Faunus, Apollo, Minerva, Thoth, Sekhmet, Bast, Anubis, Imhotep
Color- Gold or Pale Yellow
Incense/Oil- Camommile, Marigold, Mistletoe, Frankincense, Cinnamon, Bay
Animals- Snake
Spirits- Phoenix
Stones- Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Yellow Jacinth, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Zircon, Pyrite
Metal- Gold
Plants- Laurel, Vine, Ash, Camomile, Centaury, Marigold, Rue, Mistletoe, St.Johnswort
Wood- Laurel
Planet- Sun
Tarot Cards- Four Knights, Four Sixes
Magickal Tools- Wands
Direction- East
Rituals- Honor, Power, Life, Growth, Money, Healing, Understanding the Deep Mysteries, Intuition, Energy, Favor, Promotion, Success, Friendship, Hope, Prosperity, Confidence, Fulfillment

Illumination Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Danu, Badb, Hera, Demeter, Gaea, isis, Hathor, Osiris, Cerridwen, Brigit, Merlin, Taliesin, Ogma, Badb, Apollo, Apollo, Isis, Osiris, Badb, Morrigu, Scathach, Artemis, Diana, Isis, Osiris, Thoth, Hurukan, Kuan Yin, Tara
Color- Gold or Pale Yellow
Incense/Oil- Camommile, Marigold, Mistletoe, Frankincense, Cinnamon, Bay
Animals- Snake
Spirits- Phoenix
Stones- Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Yellow Jacinth, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Zircon, Pyrite
Metal- Gold
Plants- Laurel, Vine, Ash, Camomile, Centaury, Marigold, Rue, Mistletoe, St.Johnswort
Wood- Laurel
Planet- Sun
Tarot Cards- Four Knights, Four Sixes
Magickal Tools- Wands
Direction- East
Rituals- Honor, Power, Life, Growth, Money, Healing, Understanding the Deep Mysteries, Intuition, Energy, Favor, Promotion, Success, Friendship, Hope, Prosperity, Confidence, Fulfillment

Justice Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Anu, Hecate, Hera, Artemis, Apollo, Nereus, Zeus, Dike, Astraea, Themis, Arete, Praxidice, Nemesis, Rhadamanthus, Athena, Juno, Diana, Apollo, Jupiter, Mars, Maat, Shait, Osiris, Anubis, Bran the Blessed, Owein ap Urien, Taranis, Athena, Eunomia, Osiris
Color- Deep Purple, Dark Blue
Incense/Oil- Cedar, Carnation
Animals- Eagle
Spirits- Unicorn
Stones- Amethyst, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli
Metal- Tin
Plants- Shamrock, Clover, Oak, Betony, Dandelion, Fir, Meadowsweet
Wood- Cedar
Planet- Jupiter
Tarot Cards- Four Fours
Magickal Tools- Wand, Cauldron
Direction- North
Rituals- Honor, Riches, Health, Friendship, the Heart's Desire, Luck, Accomplishment, Religion, Trade and Employment, Treasure, Legal Matters

Love Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Branwen, Brigit, Mab, Creiddylad, Angus mac Og, Belili, Olwen, Aphrodite, Circe, Selene, Eros, Adonis, Zephyrus, Erato, Melusine, Venus, Luna, Cupid, Februa, Habondia, Hathor, Isis, Bast, Bes, Chalchihuitlicue, Tlazolteotl, Xochipilli, Xochiquetzal, Astarte, Ishtar, Inanna
Color- Green, Pink
Incense/Oil- Apple Blossom, Mugwort, Elder, Mint, Rose, Sandalwood
Animals- Cat, Dove, Sparrow
Stones- Emerald, Amber, Malachite, Jade, Peridot, Coral
Metal- Copper
Plants- Birch, Catnip, Blackberry, Coltsfoot, Foxglove, Mugwort, Thyme, Yarrow, Feverfew, Burdock, Elder, Pennyroyal, Plantain, Briar, Verbena
Wood- Birch, Elder
Planet- Venus
Tarot Cards- Four Sevens
Magickal Tools- Cauldron, Wand
Direction- West
Rituals- Love, Pleasure, Arts, Music, Writing, Creativity, Inspiration, Expanding the Intellect, Marriage, Friendship, Beauty, Fertility, Compassion, Children, Spiritual Harmony

Messenger Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Hermes, Janus, Mercury, Anubis, Khensu
Color- Orange
Incense/Oil- Dill, Lily of the Valley, Savory, Honeysuckle
Animals- Swallow, Butterfly
Stones- Agate, Carnelion, Alexandrite
Metal- Quicksilver, Alloys
Plants- Fern, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram, Savory, Velerian, Vervain
Wood- Hazel
Tarot Cards- Four Eights
Magickal Tools- Goblet, Wand
Direction- East
Rituals- Business, Legal Problems, Travel, Information, Logic, Writing, Controlling Emotions, Organization, Learning, Locating Teachers, Memory, Science, Creativity, Divination, Prediction, Eloquence, Speach, Healing Nervous Disorders

Moon Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Artemis, Bendis, Hecate, Selene, Diana, Lucina, Luna, Hathor, Isis, Sin, Mama Quilla, Ishtar, Astarte, Morrigu, Danu, Brigit, Mab, Blodeuwedd, Cerridwen, Cernunnos, Herne, Arianrhod, Nimue, Aphrodite, Artemis, Circe, Selene, Hera, Hecate, Demeter, Bendis, Venus, Juno, Vesta, Luna, Ceres, Cybele, Diana, Jupiter, Lucina, Hathor, Isis, Meshkent, Ta-urt, Khensu, Horus, Thoth, Ptah, Sin, Mama Quilla, Coyolxauhqui, Tzaphiel, Ishtar, Kuan Yin, Lilith, Inanna, Astarte
Color- Silver, Lavender, Pale Blue, Pearl White
Incense/Oil- Mugwort, Lily of the Valley, Jasmine, Lotus
Animals- Dog, Hare, Hart, Boar, Horse
Stones- Moonstone, Quartx Crystal, Beryl, Pearl
Metal- Silver
Plants- Mandrake, Lily of the valley, Moonwort, Mugwort, Water Lily, Willow
Wood- Willow
Planet- Moon
Tarot Cards- Four Nines
Direction- West
Rituals- Change, Divination, Fertility, Intuition, Crystal Ball, Tarot Cards, Runes, Dreams, Magick, Love, Plants, Medicine, Luck, Birth, Visions

Revenge Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Morrigu, Lugh, Arawn, Mab, Arianrhod, Hecate, Hera, Circe, Juno, Horus, Set, Ishtar, Morrigu, Lugh, Aer, Andraste, Mab, Pwyll, Arawn, Apollo, Ares, Circe, Hecate, Athena, Tisiphone, Mars, Horus, Set, Sekhmet, Ta-urt, Tara, Astarte
Color- Red
Incense/Oil- Dragon's Blood, Basil, Pine
Animals- Wolf, Horse, Bear, Ram
Stones- Ruby, Bloodstone, Garnet, Red Topaz, Red Agate
Metal- Iron, Steel
Plants- Oak, Nettles, Basil, Broom, Holy Thistle, Pine, Wormwood, Hops, Woodruff
Wood- Hawthorn, Furze
Tarot Cards- Four Fives
Magickal Tools- Sword, Cauldron
Direction- South
Rituals- Energy, Courage, Defense, Will Power, Self-Discipline, Bringing Rhythm and Stability into Life

Smithing Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Goibniu, Luchtaine, Credne, Brigit, Scathach, Diancecht, Goibniu, Lugh, Kai, Nuada, Weyland, Creidne, Athena, Hephaestus, Hades, Minerva, Vulcan, Ptah, Quetzalcoatl
Incense/Oil- Dragon's Blood, Basil, Pine
Animals- Wolf, Horse, Bear, Ram
Stones- Ruby, Bloodstone, Garnet, Red Topaz, Red Agate
Metal- Iron, Steel
Plants- Oak, Nettles, Basil, Broom, Holy Thistle, Pine, Wormwood, Hops, Woodruff
Wood- Hawthorn, Furze
Tarot Cards- Four Fives
Magickal Tools- Sword, Cauldron
Direction- South
Rituals- Energy, Courage, Defense, Will Power, Self-Discipline, Bringing Rhythm and Stability into Life

Sun Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Hera, Apollo, Zeus, Juno, Vesta, Jupiter, Isis, Neith, Osiris, Thoth, Inanna, Lugh, Apollo, Helios, Hyperion, Phoebus, Apollo, Sol, Horus, Ra, Inti, Tezcatlipoca, Tonatiuh, Bel, the Dagda, Lugh, Bran the Blessed, Nuada, Horus, Khepera, Menthu, Osiris, Ra, Bast, Sekhmet, Huitzilopochtli, Apu Ponchau, Inti, Manco Capac
Color- Gold or Pale Yellow
Incense/Oil- Camommile, Marigold, Mistletoe, Frankincense, Cinnamon, Bay
Animals- Snake
Spirits- Phoenix
Stones- Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Yellow Jacinth, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Zircon, Pyrite
Metal- Gold
Plants- Laurel, Vine, Ash, Camomile, Centaury, Marigold, Rue, Mistletoe, St.Johnswort
Wood- Laurel
Planet- Sun
Tarot Cards- Four Knights, Four Sixes
Magickal Tools- Wands
Direction- East
Rituals- Honor, Power, Life, Growth, Money, Healing, Understanding the Deep Mysteries, Intuition, Energy, Favor, Promotion, Success, Friendship, Hope, Prosperity, Confidence, Fulfillment

Teacher Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Brigit, the Dagda, Taliesin, Merlin, Cerridwen, Taranis, Druantia, Athena, Apollo, Persephone, Eurus, Janus, Neith, Seshat, Osiris, Imhotep, Tara, Danu, Badb, Blodeuwedd, Merlin, Taliesin, Owein ap Urien, the Dagda, Brigit, Ogma, Eurus, Athena, Hecate, Artemis, Metis, Zeus, Janus, Minerva, Thoth, Sin, Anubis, Maat, Isis, Nebo, Quetzalcoatl, Tara, Lilith, Brigit, Ogma, Lugh, Taliesin, Merlin, Bran the Blessed, Nuada, Cerridwen, Athena, Clio, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Caliope, Pales, Minerva, Seshat, Thoth, Imhotep
Color- Orange
Incense/Oil- Dill, Lily of the Valley, Savory, Honeysuckle
Animals- Swallow, Butterfly
Stones- Agate, Carnelion, Alexandrite
Metal- Quicksilver, Alloys
Plants- Fern, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram, Savory, Velerian, Vervain
Wood- Hazel
Tarot Cards- Four Eights
Magickal Tools- Goblet, Wand
Direction- East
Rituals- Business, Legal Problems, Travel, Information, Logic, Writing, Controlling Emotions, Organization, Learning, Locating Teachers, Memory, Science, Creativity, Divination, Prediction, Eloquence, Speach, Healing Nervous Disorders

Underworld Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Morrigu, Creiddylad, Cerridwen, White Lady, Arawn, Gwynn ap Nudd, the Dagda, Ogma, Pwyll, Anu, Caillech, Cocidius, Don, Macha, Persephone, Hecate, Megaera, Hera, Ares, Apollo, Thanatos, Adonis, Hades, Atropos, Cybele, Proserpina, Juno, Mors, Mars, Pluto, Dis Pater, Isis, Nephthys, Ament, Sekhmet, Ran, Hathor, Anubis, Apep, Set, Sebek, Amen, Osiris, Bes, Itzpapalotl, Tlazolteotl, Huitzilopochtli, Mictlantecuhtli, Itzcoliuhqui, Mictlantecuhtli, Xipe, Tonatiuh, Astarte, Ishtar, Arawn, Pwyll, Gwynn ap Nudd, Don, the White Lady, Cerridwen, Llyr, Scathach, Rhiannon, Nephthys, Ament, Anubis, Nehebkau, Wepwawet, Set, Xolotl
Color- Indigo, Black
Incence/Oil- Holly, Juniper, Yew, Myrrh, Cypress
Animals- Goat
Spirits- Dragon
Stones- Onyx, Jet
Metal- Lead
Plants- Reeds, Solomon's Seal, Oak, Yew, Beech, Comfrey, Elm, Holly, Ivy, Horsetail, JUniper, Mullien
Wood- Oak
Planet- Saturn
Tarot Cards- Four Queens, Four Threes
Magickal Tools- Sword, Wand
Direction- West
Rituals- Stabilization of Thought and Life, Help with Groups, Comfort, Goddess Power, Developing Power of Faith

War Deities
Gods/Goddesses- Morrigu, Macha, Mab, Gwydion, Lugh, Ogma, Arawn, Bran the Blessed, Cocidius, the Dagda, Nuada, Owein ap Urien, Toutatis, Aer, Andraste, Camulos, Ares, Zeus, Athena, Mars, Jupiter, Minerva, Bellona, Quirinus, Horus, Menthu, Neith, Sekhmet, Huitzilopochtli, Tezcatlipoca, Ek Ahua, Inanna, Ishtar
Color- Red
Incense/Oil- Dragon's Blood, Basil, Pine
Animals- Wolf, Horse, Bear, Ram
Stones- Ruby, Bloodstone, Garnet, Red Topaz, Red Agate
Metal- Iron, Steel
Plants- Oak, Nettles, Basil, Broom, Holy Thistle, Pine, Wormwood, Hops, Woodruff
Wood- Hawthorn, Furze
Tarot Cards- Four Fives
Magickal Tools- Sword, Cauldron
Direction- South
Rituals- Energy, Courage, Defense, Will Power, Self-Discipline, Bringing Rhythm and Stability into Life

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