I greet thee this morning(afternoon/evening) in perfect peace
and perfect trust
Bless this day(afternoon/evening) with patience, wit and
mental harmony.South
I greet thee this morning(afternoon/evening) in perfect love
and perfect trust
Bless me this day(afternoon/evening) with passion and healing.West
I greet thee this morning(afternoon/evening) in perfect love
and perfect trust
Bless me this day(afternoon/evening) with healthy transformation
and love.North
I greet thee this morning(afternoon/evening) in perfect love
and perfect trust
Bless me this day(afternoon/evening) with stability and prosperity.Spirit
I gret thee this morning(afternoon/evening) in perfect love
and perfect trust
Bless me this day(afternoon/evening) with wisdom.
Cleanse my body and spirit, so that I amy be strong among
the ranks of the Craft of the wise.
1 , 2 , 3
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A Letter From Mom And Dad , An Open Letter to a Witch , Banner Links , Blessings , The Charges of the Gods , Crafts , Correspondences , Devotions , Dictionary , Goddess Months , Gods and Goddesses , Herbs , Invocations , Magickal Needs , Meditations , Metaphysical , Miscellanous Items , Oghams , Recipes , Redes and Laws , Rituals , Runes , Sitemap , Spells , Short Stories , Tarot , Text Links , Webrings , What is Wicca? , What Law Enforcment Agencies Need To Know About Witchcraft